“Hill Interiors have been using SalesPak pretty much since it was first launched around 15 years ago, on the old Compaq Ipaq hand held machines. At the time it revolutionised the way we sold our products, instead of trawling through printed price-lists, stock lists and customer lists, our sales team all of a sudden had all the information they needed to visit customers and take orders in a much more effective manner. When the system was then moved to incorporate images and was moved to the iPads and incorporated stock images replacing the photo albums and sales catalogues that had to be carried, it was like a dream come true. I remember back in the day taking photographs of new products in my office, then whipping up to Boots, waiting for the photos to be developed, buying a family photo album and sticking the photos into the album pricing them up with an old pricing gun, then taking 2 briefcases full of photo albums with me to see customers.
The sales people of today don’t realise they are born! The SalesPak software is constantly being updated with new features making it more user friendly and more technologically advanced every year, and the SalesPak team are very happy to listen to customer feedback and quickly make further changes to develop it further. SalesPak comes into its own at trade shows, when orders are transmitted back to our head office live, so an order placed at 10.00am on a Monday, can be in our warehouse being picked at 10.01am for next day delivery. I cannot recommend SalesPak more strongly as a brilliant sales tool and wish it was available when I was a young enthusiastic sales person!”